BranDing / web Design / illustration / ads
KCH Transportation
KCH Transportation is a third-party logistics brokerage that boomed as a result of the supply chain disruptions in 2019–2022. As a result, it outgrew its thrown together brand and needed to be elevated to start competing with bigger names.
The Marketing team performed interviews with leadership, workshops with teams in each department, and ran a company-wide survey to learn what made KCH Transportation special. The results created a clear direction for crafting the mission statement, values, vision, and positioning–which led the visual brand refresh initiative.
Standing Out in Transportation
To stand out in a saturated market, the visuals needed to help KCH Transportation stand out. Reinforcing the brand's focus on people and relationships, we prioritized in-house photography. But the issue of using stock images to represent services became apparent, as many competitors would use similar photos. By leveraging our in-house design team, we created a icon and illustration system to offset the need to rely solely on stock photography.
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